We have garbage cans in our parking garages. Little convenience cans for the stuff that might accumulate on a days drive. You know, things like a gum wrapper, a pop (more…)
Please do not ask the Sheraton Hotel staff and front desk personnel to assist contractors in gaining entry to the condo lobby. This is a liability issue for the hotel and (more…)
We all love our pets. In fact the Association places very little limitation on having them. The only time having a pet would enter into the conversation is if said (more…)
When it comes to guest parking we have opposing needs: NEED 1 – PREVENTING ABUSE: Here at Condo 311 we have don’t have a lot of guest parking spaces. Just (more…)
As you are aware, we take a neighborly approach to the area immediately outside of your doors in the common area hallways. You can put something outside your door in (more…)
Sir Isaac Newton defined inertia as his first law in his Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, which states: “The vis insita, or innate force of matter, is a power of resisting by which every (more…)
We had a visit from the Fire Marshall recently. Not a big deal – they come every year for inspection. Make sure we aren’t violating any codes. We are violating (more…)
Speaking of elevators…. You may have noticed that our elevators are getting quite nicked up. The reason for this is because people are moving furniture without having pads up on (more…)
There are two facts about our parking garages: 1: They are private garages. Only condo owners have fobs, and therefore are the only people who have access to the garages. (more…)