Those Busted Up Pots

We have pots outside of our main lobby doors that look banged up.  Mainly because they are. They get pulled over by assorted riff-raff and get dented. The pot gets (more…)

Window Washing

The window washing will start on Monday, June 21st, 2010 at about 8am and continue through the week. The window washers will start on the east side of the building (more…)

Decorating Common Areas

Decorating Common Areas (lobby, hallways) is the sole responsibility of the Board of Directors of the 311 Homeowners’ Association, and the Building, Architect & Management Committee. Any questions regarding this (more…)

Garage Cleaning

On the morning of Tuesday, May 11th, 2010 beginning at 8:30am, the General Cleaning Company will be cleaning the upper level garage at the Sheraton 311. Owners of vehicles that (more…)

One Person's Pigeon Problem

We have a pigeon problem.  One that needs to be resolved with some sense of urgency and regard to aesthetics. Hopefully those two concepts are not mutually exclusive. Under the heading (more…)

Not One But Two

We will be getting new garbage cans in the garages.  Not big dumpster style garbage cans, oh no.  We are getting small civilized garbage cans near the doors, so when (more…)

The List

Here is the list of the items the BAM committee has put together detailing all of the projects needing to be done on, at and to the building.  After a (more…)

Lights Out

Tonight at 8:30 the Sheraton hotel will be turning off its lights in observance of Earth Hour, part of a 4,100 city, 87 country, global message about environment awareness.  Part (more…)

Committee Commitment

The Board of Directors of the Homeowners’ Association has set up committees to help in establishing the smooth operations of the Association. We wish input by all, and open communication (more…)