RECYCLING: PLEASE break down your boxes and only put acceptable items into our recycling bins. So no plastic, no styrofoam, and definitely no old exercise equipment. Do not dump non-recyclable items (more…)
We have garbage cans in our parking garages. Little convenience cans for the stuff that might accumulate on a days drive. You know, things like a gum wrapper, a pop (more…)
We all love our pets. In fact the Association places very little limitation on having them. The only time having a pet would enter into the conversation is if said (more…)
Sir Isaac Newton defined inertia as his first law in his Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, which states: “The vis insita, or innate force of matter, is a power of resisting by which every (more…)
This stuff is NOT recyclable Just so everyone knows: Styrofoam is NOT recyclable. The upshot to that is Styrofoam should NOT be placed in the recyclable containers. Because, then, Waste Management will (more…)
We have our trash chutes on every floor that we toss our (bagged) garbage down. We have our recycling containers on the UL parking level for our recyclables. But what (more…)